
额外的通讯标题1月 2019


作为残疾丈夫的照顾者. Beth 德宾 知道s well the challenges that individuals face when caring for military veterans. So it only made sense for her to be chosen as part of a special group of individuals nationwide who are charged with bringing awareness and support of those challenges to lawmakers and others.贝丝·德宾的资本步骤

Dr. 德宾, 费尔班克斯校区2013年的医学硕士毕业生, 最近刚刚结束了为期两年的51位多尔研究员之一的工作, 代表阿拉斯加州. 这些研究员只是伊丽莎白·多尔基金会的一部分, created by the former senator to bring awareness and raise resources for military veteran caregivers.

她在成为丈夫奥巴马的护工后不久就开始了这项工作. 鲍勃·多尔,看看沃尔特·里德医院的其他护理人员在处理什么. 她觉得也有必要照顾他们,德宾说。, 谁为费尔班克斯家工作过, 阿拉斯加, 2006年以来的校园, starting as an academic advisor and currently serving as interim executive director of the campus.

在委托对护理人员进行了为期两年的研究之后,Sen. 伊丽莎白·多尔(Elizabeth Dole)成立了这个基金会,希望帮助这五个国家.全国照顾退伍军人500万人. 德宾说,她是从一个朋友那里听说研究员的机会的, who had served as the first Dole Fellow from 阿拉斯加 and encouraged Beth to apply for the next group. 在她被选中之后, the training included teleconferenced sessions and regular meetings to bring the group up to speed on the lobbying side of their responsibilities and how to share the information with others.


她解释说:“现在有100多名在职和校友。. “他们 基金会办公室的贝丝·德宾把我们带到华盛顿特区.C., once a year and we meet with our congressmen about legislation coming up and awareness of the needs of military caregivers."

德宾错过了2017年的旅行,因为她的儿子正在从军事训练营毕业, but she got to join the group in November 2018 and enjoyed getting to meet the lawmakers from her area and fellowship with other caregivers who share her same experiences. 最近的立法, 退伍军人事务部使命法案于2018年6月通过, makes it possible for caregivers who are unable to work due to their duties to apply for a stipend. 目前的大部分立法都是针对9·11事件之前的. 11, 2001 veterans who have faced similar challenges but were left out of post-9/11 efforts.

她说,这个群体是多样化的:虽然许多照顾者是配偶, 有些人是退伍军人的父母, 孩子甚至兄弟姐妹. 她的丈夫厄尔, 他2009年在韦兰大学获得商业企业学位,2011年获得硕士学位, 是一名在美国效力22年的老将.S. Air Force who battles major depression and anxiety and is currently in remission from lymphoma. 德宾说,她特别喜欢与其他护理人员的交流.


“听每个人的故事对我来说都很鼓舞人心. 我从他们身上学到了很多,”德宾说. “当我遇到这些人时,我真的更感兴趣. 这个社区会提醒你,你并不孤单,有人会帮助你. I also realized that I am lucky that I get to work; a lot of them don't get to work."

研究员们很高兴能够参观通常的D.C. 比如纪念碑、史密森博物馆等等. 整个行程由美国航空公司赞助, 希尔顿, 和美国银行, 因此, 多尔基金会晚会名人照顾者不出任何费用. 这次旅行的一大亮点是英雄与历史创造者联欢晚会, featuring Senators Elizabeth and Bob Dole and Hidden Heroes campaign chair and actor Tom Hanks. 参加小组讨论的还有《mg网上真人》的萨凡纳·格思里, 谁是隐藏英雄大使, 这次活动筹集了1美元.500万美元用于基金会的工作. The Hidden Heroes community provides an online support group and resource network for caregivers.

现在回到阿拉斯加的家, 德宾说,她计划继续作为多尔学院的校友工作, sharing information about resources to spouses at the military bases she regularly visits for her work at Wayland.

德宾夫妇有两个成年子女, 包括女儿戴安娜, who is finishing her second master's degree with Wayland and works in government contracting at Eielson Air Force Base. 儿子乔纳森在军队服役,驻扎在德克萨斯州的胡德堡. 他已婚,有一个9个月大的女儿索菲亚.

除了她的WBU学位,Dr. 德宾 has a bachelor's and master's degree in social work from Florida State University and earned her doctorate in higher education leadership from North Central University. She is currently pursuing the master's degree in criminal justice and is helping the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences design a new master's degree in human services.


Recently we may have quoted Psalm 46:10: "Be still and 知道 that I am God" (KJV, NIV, NLT). Maybe, we have said the verse from the NASB that says, "Cease striving and 知道 that I am God." A more vivid picture from the Hebrew verb form (Hiphil) for be still or cease striving is, “随它去吧。!或者“放下它。!在“Let it go and 知道”的语境中,希伯来语的意思是“亲密地了解我”,”“感知,和“向我学习。."

The verse suggests that we cannot 知道 the Lord as much as He desires if we are continuing to wrestle and writhe over what we should drop. 写在沙子上的自由首先,我们不能接近他. 如果我们曾经抱过不安, 扭动的孩子, 在孩子安静下来之前,我们不能抱着那个小家伙. 第二,我们无法理解主在告诉我们我们的处境. When our minds are on other things, we are too full of how "we" are going to solve the problem. 第三,我们不能认识他. 我们需要他的安慰、爱和旨意. 在他的安息中,有一种亲密而自由的关系.

主要我们从挣扎中解脱出来. 加拉太书5章1节说:“基督来,叫我们得自由. 所以你们要站立得稳,不要再作奴仆的奴仆." The Lord said in John 8:32, 36, "You shall 知道 the truth and the truth shall set you free . . . 神的儿子若叫你们自由,你们就真自由了.所以,是什么让我们不断努力? 是什么阻碍了我们的自由?


What are the things of our distant or recent past that have us bound with guilt or thrashing for solutions? 我们害怕从主那里学到什么? 我们仍然害怕惩罚而不相信恩典吗? 如果我们不这样做,我们如何理解上帝想要做的和给我们的 知道 他已经赦免了我们,为我们争战,并且要赐给我们平安?

What can we lay at His feet right now; climb in His lap, 让他把他的伟大包裹起来, Big, 永恒的, Loving arms around us; and give us a personal, 亲密的, 认识他自己和他的平安? 我们准备好“顺其自然”了吗??

Dr. 沙伦·格雷沙姆是“骨灰到王冠”组织的创始人和主管, 总部设在伯勒森, 德州, 她说话的地方, 领导撤退和写作. She earned a bachelor's degree at Wayland in 1970 and her doctorate in biblical theology from B.H. 卡罗尔神学院. 她和丈夫班尼,也是1970年的毕业生,在海外和美国服事.S.


拉伯克撞击事件的故事贯穿了韦兰大学的毕业生. 由WBU毕业生Dan和Barbie Reynolds于2007年创立,作为新教堂植堂的一部分, the ministry now thrives as it serves central Lubbock's working poor through a variety of efforts: a medical clinic, 验光诊所, 牙科诊所, 食品厨房, Joy Urlaub和他的孩子应急食品储藏室和衣橱等等. 许多成功的项目之一是针对40多个孩子的辅导项目, 过去两年由韦兰大学毕业生乔伊·乌劳布领导.

2007届毕业生, 乔伊是应董事会主席杰里·拉米雷斯的邀请参与进来的, 接管周三晚上的儿童节目. 当时, 大约有15名儿童被卷入其中, and adult helpers were hard to come by on a night typically busy with other church programs.

“我们祈祷如何能接触到更多的孩子, 扩大项目规模,让更多的导师参与进来,乔伊说。, noting that she completed training on working with children in poverty to shore up her own skills. "We switched the mentoring program to a Big Brothers, Big Sisters model, and it began to grow. 他们会选择一周中最适合自己日程安排的一天, and I plan activities for the pairs to do each week while they have a comfortable place to talk. 一旦导师更好地了解了孩子,他们就会更加个性化."

这种方式也改变了Impact对待圣诞节的方式. 父母可以参与孩子的礼物选择和包装过程, 帮助她们,让她们成为孩子的英雄, 指出快乐. 她依靠社区与餐馆的合作关系, gyms like Premier Sportsplex and others that provide free or discounted products for the mentoring group activities. She loves that the program helps build relationships with families and is a natural outlet for the children.

"It gives them an opportunity to be a kid, since many of them help raise siblings," she says. "A lot of them just need to be exposed to possibilities of what they can be when they grow up."

白天, 乔伊是高地团契的儿童牧师, 丈夫布兰登, 2008届毕业生, 他是青年部长.

更详细地了解拉伯克影响的创立和目前的成功, 请参阅2019年冬季版的《mg网上真人》杂志, 将在1月晚些时候寄到邮箱.


和韦兰几十年前的毕业生聊聊,尤其是上世纪50年代的毕业生, 六七十年代, 他们在食堂里有很多校园生活的回忆. 没有失败, they'll usually throw in a snicker as they recall the name of the building: Slaughter Hall. 那么,这个学生吃饭的地方的讽刺名字背后的历史是什么呢?

这个结构曾经被称为C.C. 斯劳特纪念馆是以一个真实的人命名的, 他是德克萨斯州长期的牧场主,也是美国陆军的上校屠杀大厅,1951年 内战期间,在南方邦联军队服役. 他是浸信会牧师的儿子. Slaughter himself served with the Baptist General Convention of 德州 and the Southern Baptist Convention and helped established Baylor Medical Center in Dallas.

Col. 斯劳特死于一个世纪前的1919年1月. 他的大女儿, 米妮·斯洛特牛肉, continued her father's legacy of philanthropy and was one of the biggest donors to Baylor Medical Center, 谁在1959年以她的名字重新命名了大校园里的第一座建筑.

但在那之前几年, in 1950, 米妮拿出一张90美元的钞票,000 gift to Wayland to build a dining hall and kitchen facility for students in memory of her father, 取代了盖茨大厅行政大楼里的小自助餐厅. The building was completed in 1951 and served Wayland students well until the new McClung University Center was dedicated in 1982 to house a new cafeteria, 学生休息室, 书店和宴会厅以及几个学生服务办公室. 麦克朗中心的一块牌匾仍在纪念科尔. 斯洛特和他女儿的礼物.
